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- Online Help Windows
- -------------------
- There are two help files that should have been included with the
- initial set of DT128 files on LOADSTAR 128 #26. One is a help file for the
- buffer utility and the other is a help file for the terminal mode. If you
- go to Miscellaneous from the Main Menu then load the Help module, then you
- can call up either of these two help files by pressing the HELP key when in
- the edit buffer mode or the terminal mode.
- The two ASCII files were converted into PETASCII files for LS 128 #26,
- so the information was found in the "t." instructions, but in order for the
- files to be brought up while in the two modes, they must appear in their
- ASCII form. Use any file copier -- DT128 has a good one -- to copy the two
- "asc." files over to your DAVE'S TERM 128 disk.
- Spell Checker
- -------------
- This utility allows you to spell check the text in the buffer. The
- text in the buffer should be in ASCII codes. All 26 letters along with the
- apostrophe are considered valid characters for words.
- To use this utility you must first select the "Spell Checker" option
- which can be found by selecting the "Print Buffer" option within the buffer
- menu. Once the module has been loaded you activate it from within the
- buffer editor. To do so press the F1 key, then the keypad 4. You will
- then be prompted to insert the dictionary disk. At this point you can
- press:
- ESCape to abort,
- RETURN to continue in interactive mode,
- SPACE BAR to continue in non-interactive mode,
- "a" to append all marked words to the dictionary. If you failed to
- insert the dictionary disk, or if any files are missing the module aborts.
- You will see a "Device not Present" error if you access the wrong type of
- device, i.e. the 1581 module can only access the dictionary on a 1581. Once
- activated the spell checker will check every word it encounters starting at
- the location of the cursor.
- Interactive Mode: (Press F1 Keypad 4 then press RETURN at the prompt) If a
- word is not found in the dictionary you will see the prompt "Not Found
- (a,s,d)?". The commands are:
- a - Adds the word to the dictionary. Make sure the word is spelled
- correctly before adding it to the dictionary.
- s - Skips the word.
- d - Calls up the dictionary. This allows you to view every word in the
- dictionary that begins with the same letter as the current word. To
- progress to the next page press any key. You can exit the dictionary back
- to the not found prompt by pressing ESCape.
- Non-Interactive Mode: (Press F1 Keypad 4 then press SPACE BAR at the
- prompt) If a word is not found in the dictionary a null character (ASCII
- zero) is inserted after the word. Processing then continues. The
- advantage of this mode is that you do not have to keep selecting an option
- at each word not in the dictionary. You can start the spell checker and
- let it run through the entire text without your intervention. The null
- character is used to mark each word that was not found. In addition, each
- repetition of a word that is not in the dictionary will be marked with a
- CTRL-A which will follow the word.
- Before using this mode you should do a search to make sure that there
- are no nulls or CTRL-A's in the buffer. To do a search press F1 then
- keypad 7. A null can be entered by pressing CTRL-@. Then press ENTER.
- Then press the keypad 7. If any nulls or CTRL-A's are found you should use
- the interactive mode instead. The reason for this is that this mode
- inserts null and CTRL-A's. If either of these 2 characters are in the text
- when you activate this mode you won't be able to tell which were inserted.
- When the spell check is done you should now go through the buffer and
- search for null characters. The word that precedes each null character
- will have been marked as not found in the dictionary by the spell checker.
- If the word is spelled correctly you can ignore it and search for the next
- null. You should leave the null character in the text if the marked word
- was spelled correctly. The append option (see below) uses the nulls to
- determine which word(s) are to be appended to the dictionary. If a marked
- word was spelled incorrectly you should do the following:
- 1. Make a note of the BYTES BEG display
- 2. Set the search string (F1 Keypad 7) to the misspelled word
- 3. Correct the word and also delete the null character
- 4. Press Keypad 7 to search for any more occurrences of the misspelled
- word (further occurrences will have a CTRL-A following it) and correct the
- word. Delete the CTRL-A after it also.
- 5. Press Keypad 6 and enter the value you noted in step 1. This will
- take you back to where you were when you started with step 1.
- 6. Reset the search string to a null (f1 Keypad 7 then CTRL-@ ENTER) and
- continue on. Go through the entire text until you have checked each marked
- word and have take the appropriate action outlined above.
- Append Mode: (Press F1-Keypad 4 then press "a" at the prompt) Append mode
- offers an easy way to add many words to your dictionary with a single
- command. Append should only be selected after you use the Non-Interactive
- mode and have gone through the text. Each word that has a null character
- following it will be appended to the dictionary. After the word has been
- appended the null character will be deleted for you automatically. The
- append function will also delete the CTRL-A's that it encounters.
- Remember, the CTRL-A's mark words that are were not found in the
- dictionary but were marked with a null earlier in the text. This prevents
- the same new word from being appended to the dictionary more than once.
- If you use the append function all nulls and CTRL-A's will be deleted
- automatically. If you do not use append you should do a search through the
- text for any extraneous nulls or CTRL-A's. Any occurrences of either of
- these 2 characters should be removed (after you check the word they
- follow).
- The 1581 version of the spell checker has an extra feature which allows
- you to sort your dictionary files. This is useful in interactive mode
- where you may call up the dictionary. An alphabetized listing makes it
- easier to locate the correct spelling of a particular word. The sort
- function works with any device (you can use it to sort your dictionary on a
- 1541, 1571, or 1581)
- Notes:
- You should always activate the spell checker with the cursor at the
- start of a word or in between words.
- You can abort the spell checker by pressing RUN/STOP (press ESCape if
- you are at a prompt).
- When a word is "pulled" from the buffer it is first compared to a list
- of words that are contained within the module. This list consists of the
- following words:
- a an and as also all any at are aren't am about after again ask almost
- allow be by big because become but been both before better bad best being
- break box back bar bother busy can cause can't could come change chance
- cannot call choose do does did didn't doesn't don't drop decide during done
- drive date down define detail each ever every else except easy easier even
- end exact either enter exit etc for from few fun fair fill find full free
- fast fix field found form fact far fail feel fine go got give get getting
- going good guess goes given has had here have hasn't hear half haven't how
- hold happen help high hi her he her's he's him his i is it its it's if in
- isn't i'm i'll i've i'd it'll idea into just kind know knew knowing kill
- key keep low like likely least light list large look left leave length less
- lot little let lets let's late later lose led lead me my more make may much
- most many made must main miss mean matter move might meant map mail mind no
- not new need nothing never now near none our oh of on off or often okay
- other out only own old one over open once part prefer place pass pad put
- per past probably pie point perhaps page run right read red reason require
- ready return real rare rarely rely reach rule so some see she she's sure
- soon say stop sad set should step same start such save seen send side show
- self size slow still sometimes soft since says the to this that then them
- than there their they're thing these those try through too two they tell
- true thought though turn take taken top there's tall time tries that's talk
- twice three us use used uses user up using until unless usual very was what
- what's when where why who who's wear with which will went we've we'll way
- want while would wanted wasn't won't were we well you your you're you've
- you'll yes yet
- The words in this list are not displayed when you call up the
- dictionary. By storing words like this in memory it greatly speeds up the
- word search and reduces disk access. When you activate the spell checker
- the starting point is remembered. All words from the starting point to the
- current word are assumed to be correct. This also reduces disk access
- time. What this means is that words which are not in the built in list
- only need to be disk searched once. If you skip a word all future
- occurrences of the same spelling are also considered correct.
- In summary, when a word is "pulled" from the buffer the module first
- searches the built in list of words, then the buffer itself from the place
- you started to the current word. If the word is not found in either place
- then the disk dictionary is searched. If a word is found the module moves
- on to the next word otherwise you see the not found prompt where you take
- whatever action you choose.
- The format of the disk files is very simple. Each word is entered in
- lower case except for the last letter of each word which is in upper case.
- The files are stored in PetASCII codes. Should you find a misspelled word
- in a file you can load the file, edit the word, then save the file (scratch
- the old file before re-saving it). Use PetASCII conversion at both the
- load and save conversion prompts.
- This spell checker does not check grammar nor can it determine the
- validity or usage of words. Whether the correct word is "your" or
- "you're", "its" or "it's", "there", "their", or "they're", etc, is up to
- you. It only helps to verify that the words found in the buffer are in
- fact words, although they may not be the correct word.
- If you use the non-interactive mode make sure you have removed all
- inserted nulls and CTRL-A's before you finish up.